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  1. C

    Donnington on Sunday North West Convoy

    Cheers, will be waiting in the layby.
  2. C

    Donnington on Sunday North West Convoy

    Yeah, yeah yeah I no its on the wrong forum but depsite being a member and all passworded up I cant seem to post on the Meeting & Event forum - probably just because I is a bit thick when it comes to this new fangled tinternet. Anyway in ref to the NW convoy which way are you all going via...
  3. C

    **HELP ME OUT!!!*** WTF IS GOIN ON*******

    Without sounding too much like a broken record it does sound like bad fuel. Ive ran my 172 on Optimax ever since Ive got it and had no problems, same goes for my mates 172 and my bros Evo. In terms of whether Optimax is any good didnt anyone read the test in Evo about a year ago (I think!?)...
  4. C

    172 janspeed exhaust

    I used to have a Janspeed (full system) on a Sunny GTi-R, sounded amazing although it was vvv loud, even got the odd bit of flame on a couple of down changes. As for reliability I didnt have any problems whatsoever which is a hell of alot more than I can say for f*****g Devil - absloute...