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  1. R

    brand new 172 £11495

    Is this a good price? Thanks
  2. R

    3 days outside warranty.

    Thanks people, I told my mum she should have rung renault, she just panicked at the time.
  3. R

    3 days outside warranty.

    Hi just wondering if anyone new what i might be able to do in this situation. As you all know i am thinking of getting a clio cup and my mum has a 1.2 clio xreg. She bought it from new and has had no problems, the warranty ran out on 28/11/03 and on the 01/12/03 when she wound down the...
  4. R

    19 yo Clio cup

    I think i just might, Anyone know any good deals at the mo on a cup, are they still about £12000 Cheers
  5. R

    19 yo Clio cup

    Thanks lads, I know its alot of money to pay but it would cost me alot for anything and i would rather pay a bit more for a car i realy like. The main reason i want one is for the speed, i also prefer the loo from the outside and the seats. I dont like the dashboard tho why didnt they put...
  6. R

    19 yo Clio cup

    I currently drive a VTS paying £230 per month. I realy like the clio cups but do you think it will put my insuarnce up much? Also, be honest are they much faster than my saxo? Will i be like "ye ok thats quite quick" or "OH MY GOD THATS F**KING AMAZING" Cheers
  7. R

    Whats a valver

    Just wondered what engine size a valver is as i hear alot of things about these dont know if theyre 2.0 or1.6. Soz if this is a obvious question!