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Search results

  1. reerdo_172

    Rear Deflector's (Behind Rear Discs)

    Thanks for the response and the part number Tony. Much appreciated :clap:
  2. reerdo_172

    Rear Deflector's (Behind Rear Discs)

    Maybe deflector is incorrect then. I took the 'description' from another thread I read where they were discussing what I believed sounded like what I had issue's with on Saturday. Lets see if I can describe this better. When I pulled the disc of (after smacking it with a rubber mallet for about...
  3. reerdo_172

    Rear Deflector's (Behind Rear Discs)

    Hi guys, I changed both my rear discs over the weekend and I noticed both of the deflectors were looking very work with cracks in what to me looks like the ceramic filling. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direct of where to get some replacements as Google has been...
  4. reerdo_172

    Hey there . . . Roll on Saturday

    Yep sure is a 172. I was on the look out for a PH1 172 but drove this PH2 last week at fell in love instantly. Its a little bit more responsive that the 1.2 Clio I had all those years back ;)
  5. reerdo_172

    Hey there . . . Roll on Saturday

    Hey there everyone. The names Si and I am rather happy at the moment as come Saturday 9 am I am picking up this beauty. Well she is beautiful to me :rasp: I have always wanted a RenaultSport Clio since I owned a 1.2 Dynamique about 9 years ago . . . . . . damn is it really that long. So...