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  1. T

    need pics of 172 engin of every angel in with the engine in the car

    hi i need pictures of the 172 or 182 engine whilst its in the car and everything all conected up i need all angels like front side rear and maybe underneathe as im having trouble were to position powersteering pipes and heater matrix pipes so i need all views of the engine trhanx
  2. T

    clio 172 loom problems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ergent

    grimsby aerea called marshchaple
  3. T

    clio 172 loom problems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ergent

    and also a picture that showes were to place the power steering pipes aswell
  4. T

    clio 172 loom problems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ergent

    has anyone got a picture of the back end of the engine so i can see wich way round the heater matrix pipes go wich was round
  5. T

    clio 172 loom problems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ergent

    well idealy i could do with pictures around the engine and yes its a 1.2 with 172 engine in
  6. T

    clio 172 loom problems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ergent

    sorry never was good at full stops
  7. T

    clio 172 loom problems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ergent

    Hi i was just wondering if anyone could help me took my car to a garage got messed about so decided to do the work myself.Could anyone help me on how the loom goes on like any pictures diagrams i can do cars but i didnt take notice of the loom when i got the car i only had it a week the...