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Search results

  1. H

    Hello from prospective 182 owner. Should I?!

    Will try and get some up soon. Dont have photobucket account etc. Its a completely standard 330d touring m sport in grey! Quite sexy in a boring German kind of way!
  2. H

    Hello from prospective 182 owner. Should I?!

    Cant wait gents! I'm fully aware that buying older cars comes with it's bills. I've never owned a very new car really! I'll obviously make sure belts are done etc. Just been drooling over pics on calendar thread. Such sexy little cars. Have a soft spot for the 172 also, but am after a 182 defo...
  3. H

    Hello from prospective 182 owner. Should I?!

    Thanks for your replies folks. I'd love to be able to keep the beemer and have the 182, but money doesn't allow! I know some may see it as a step back, and in some ways thats correct. But the beemer is actually older than the clios I'm looking at and has it's own bits and pieces that need/...
  4. H

    Hello from prospective 182 owner. Should I?!

    Unfortunately, I think you might be right!
  5. H

    Hello from prospective 182 owner. Should I?!

    Hi peoples, I have recently become interested in buying a clio 182 (heart set on it). Cant remember how I came to the decision to be honest. Just bit bored of my current car and don't tend to keep cars for too long! Think I've read all reviews possible on the 182 and got to test drive one last...