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Sounds great ! I've never really went up a pass with a car for fun yet, hardly a surprise when my previous cars have been a Peugeot 306 1.3 and a Espace :p I'll certainly have to improve on this situation soon !
Haha, now that's not true... Never heard of anyone going to jail because of speeding, altough fines are expensive and you can loose your permit when going too fast... ( for example doing 90 kph in the 60 kph zone, I'm currently going trough the process of getting screwed ! I was overtaking with...
@ Ollie rs: The tires are Bridgestone Blizzak LM 25V, the received mixed reviews... some say they are great on snow, other the opposite. Can't really tell, but the Conti winter tires have got good reviews consistantly... maye try those ?
BR, Mike
Hi : ) Congratulations on your purchase ! Can't tell much about the tires yet, they are bridgestones but can't remember the exact model right now. Had some skids on the snow already but that might be my driving style ;)
Thanks to all for the warm welcome !
Hi Guys !
I just bought a brand new Clio RS 200 in white. I'm very exited and love the car already, although still in the run in phase ;) It's been all snow for the last few days here in Switzerland and the car looks a mess, will post some pics as soon as I can get it clean and shiny :p...