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  1. B

    Few questions (newbie)

    Okay thank you Knuckles, I think i'm understanding abit more now on phases, I was looking on Wiki at phase 1 and phase 2 and I think the 1.2 i'm getting is phase 2 cos' it is very similar, thanks for your feedback and information I really appriciate it!
  2. B

    Few questions (newbie)

    I just found something that adds to my list of desperate modifications - hopefully i'm aloud to post this:, any advice on getting something like that then please feel free to post, thanks!
  3. B

    Few questions (newbie)

    Hello Knuckles, thank you for the welcome! Okay that makes abit more sense now thank you, in the future I might make a post asking for advice on fitting rims if I don't ask a garage or company to do it for me, Oh right okay, what if the exhaust modification is a decent price and I have enough...
  4. B

    Few questions (newbie)

    Okay hopefully they will inform me on what they're doing to my car when installing and fitting my new alloys, I don't want to just have them do it because I would like to be educated abit haha, Okay, I have an image of the car that I will be getting (its just a different license plate but...
  5. B

    Few questions (newbie)

    Thanks alot for the quick response GoldenMonkey, Not sure what you mean by 'spacers' and okay fair enough I'll take an experienced person's opinion, in my mind they are overpriced but then again I have no idea what they look like on a car, Aye i'm not really looking to improve the performance...
  6. B

    Few questions (newbie)

    Good evening all, just joined! Just had a few questions that I would like to ask and will appriciate any answers or advice I recieve... Little bit of info: For my 18th birthday (september 2012) i'll be getting a Renault Clio Campus 1.2 (58 reg), now I have to admit I have an...