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  1. H

    How to reset brake pedal switch

    I have searched and I can't find an answer to this either, I can find lots of people saying there is a guide. But cNt find the guide its self. Can anyone please link me. Thanks.
  2. H

    Passed My Test!

    Speaking of Caterhams, me and my Dad are building one as we speak haha. Hopefully be able to take that on a track day at some point as it'll be a few year till I can get insured on it.
  3. H

    Passed My Test!

    So I passed my test today! Going c̶a̶r̶ clio hunting tomorrow. Anyone got any tips for driving alone, things to look out for, things you don't learn in your lessons etc. As they say you learn to drive when you pass your test. Thanks!
  4. H

    Black GT Example

    Can anyone point me to a good example of a black GT with black alloys. I've photoshopped one but could do with seeing it on a real example. Not sure whether its gonna look right with 16's, and not lowered at all. Cos I cant make any mods due to insurance. Thanks.
  5. H

    What do you think?

    Any suggestions for a set with less spokes and a lower price tag haha.
  6. H

    What do you think?

    So, I've done some photoshopping. Put the alloys I think I want on my clio when it comes to buying. Just wanting to know your opinions. OZ Superturismo WRC's. If anyone has any alternatives, similar style (or maybe completely different) that you think might look better let me know. Also not...
  7. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    Thanks, tried everywhere, LV are the only place that will do it for a reasonable price haha. And cheers I will take a look.
  8. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    Exactly like that yes, and yeh, I wouldn't be doing them myself. That's just asking for trouble. Like I said in my first post, I'm not the most knowledgable in car parts/mechanics/mods. However come december my dads getting a caterham and I'm gonna help him build that. Hopefully will top my...
  9. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    The most recent one I have asked is where would be the best place to get some gold alloys for a GT from. I'm not completely disregarding your advice. I'm just explaining why I'm not following it.
  10. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    The cheapest quote I've ever had after trying many different cars is 1400. Most of my mates pay about £3000 I'm in a good position. And 4-6k in an ISA over the period of a year doesn't really make it worth not having access to the money, having a nice car is worth it. And id probably save more...
  11. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    I understand that, and I know I'm not Lewis Hamilton by any means. I realise I might have come across as quite reckless and irresponsible. But trust me, I'm not. I'm the type of person that gets in a car and gets pissed off if I get a mile down the road and realise someones not wearing they're...
  12. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    Thanks for the advice, unfortunately cant find anywhere that will insure me for the kind of price LV will, and LV dont allow modifications other than changing alloys so, I'd be limited to what I could do with the 4k. Maybe a new TV haha. And I've photoshopped some gold alloys onto the GT im...
  13. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    Thought we'd left that and moved on.
  14. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    I understand that haha, it's just more the fact I've had it drilled into me. They've told me something I didn't necessarily want to hear. I've replied with something they didn't want to hear. And its escalated from there. Didn't want the thread to get out of hand and I know I've contributed a...
  15. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    I apologise for how I've come across, and I appreciate that some of you, if not all of you disagree with spending that much on a car at my age. And as I said earlier I may look back in a year and wish I hadn't done it. But it's my bad decision to make. It wasn't that I was hearing what I didn't...
  16. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    So yeh. Best place to get some alloys from for my GT?
  17. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    Yes, because in the 1.5 GT with 5 star NCAP safety that, (as pointed out by many on these forums) is low powered and not exciting, I will need to wear a helmet for my own safety. An idea you have denoted from the small amount of posts I have made on these forums. It may be safer, and more...
  18. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    Tbh I'd more likely put an £800 car backwards into a hedge because I wouldn't care about it and would probably drive more recklessly.
  19. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    How you've developed the skill to determine someones driving ability from what is written on the internet I do not know. I take my hat off to you sir.
  20. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    I asked questions, and got unrelated answers. On a more positive note. Is anyone able to point me in the direction of some nice gold/orange alloys. Thanks.
  21. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    My parents wealth has nothing to do with it. They're contributing nothing to my car whatsoever. And thats the way they've brought me up. I might not pay board, but I've never had pocket money/allowances or anything of the sort in my life. I've had a job since I was 12 and since then have always...
  22. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    The GT might not "get me excited." But it will make my arse nip more than the 1.2 limited edition corsas that all my mates drive around in do. I don't mind about the depreciation. It's not like I've bought the car new, im not going to loose too much of its value. And if i do, I can take a hit in...
  23. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    In a years time I'd have a lot more than if I do go along with my intended purchase. However, you could say the same about anything. Im young, I have no commitments, I'm gonna make the most of it. Now if someone could answer my questions about the mods id really appreciate it haha.
  24. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    Is there anyone that can answer my questions haha. Rather than telling me not to get the car I want ;) Thanks.
  25. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    My issue with the twingo is (please correct me if im wrong) but its a 1.6. The only place insuring me for a realistic price is LV as the accept my 2 years NCB from a motorcycle and graham sykes (if I end up modding.) LV wont insure me on anything over a 1.5... 1.6 seems to be the cut off, its a...
  26. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    Whats with you guys trying to convince me out of getting a nice a car!
  27. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    As per my previous post I dont really have many commitments and want to make the most of it whilst I can haha!
  28. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    The moneys not really an issue, im fresh out of college, and live with my parents. Decided to take a gap year, ended up landing a job at NatWest, and now I'm about to be promoted after having been there three months. I have enough expendable cash that I really don't know what to do with it, and...
  29. H

    Newbie Here (Soon to be owner!)

    So I'm 18, just about to (hopefully) pass my driving test, and looking for my first car, budget around 6k to 10k, so I'm looking at a 1.5 GT Clio (106.) I'm I car person, I love cars, when I play the Xbox, I play racing games (Forza - I stick to semi-realistic games, non of the Need for Speed...