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  1. benmanship

    Clio Sport Replica - My First Car.
  2. benmanship

    Clio Sport Replica - My First Car.

    planning on making it into a replica. done the interior but cant seem to upload the photos. :/
  3. benmanship

    Clio Sport Replica - My First Car.

    few more things done over the past couple of weeks. cant seem to get the photos to upload though :'(
  4. benmanship

    Clio Sport Replica - My First Car.

    I adore your car! wish i could do a full respray on mine and make it as clean as yours.
  5. benmanship

    Clio Sport Replica - My First Car.

    cheers :)
  6. benmanship

    Clio Sport Replica - My First Car.

    hi all. thought id do a progress thread on my first car. gonna take me a while cause im on a tight budget. Day i bought my little clio.
  7. benmanship

    Rooby Clio 172

    This has to be the maddest thing I've ever seen! But its AMAZING!