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182 won't start but cranks!

  Clio 182

I'm new to the page as I have an issue with my 182 (no shock there)
I was driving casually, at a steady speed on a dual carriageway last week and all of a sudden it cut out, now the car won't restart, it cranks over okay, I have spark and fuel but still nothing, there are no errors/fault codes when I plugged in a snap on tester....
Does anyone have/or has heard of this issue?
  PH2 172
Came across a 1.2 that would not crank more 3 revolutions and then stopped cranking,without firing.
Low tension lead to alternator was disconnected,pushed back on and away you go.
Could be similar set up on 182.
  Clio 182
Came across a 1.2 that would not crank more 3 revolutions and then stopped cranking,without firing.
Low tension lead to alternator was disconnected,pushed back on and away you go.
Could be similar set up on 182.
I will have a look and see what happens, I can only think it's something electrical for it to just cut out like it did
  dan's cast offs.
how do you know you have fuel and spark? how quick or slow does it crank? when were belts last done?
  Clio 182
how do you know you have fuel and spark? how quick or slow does it crank? when were belts last done?
I've tested the coil pack by earthing a plug to the block, sparking fine, and I've used the snap on tester to actuate to fuel pump relay, passed okay and there is fuel in the rail, I disconnected the quick release connector after actuating the relay and fuel spat out, belts were done just over 2 years ago
  dan's cast offs.
injectors pulsing? fuel in the rail doesn't mean much really. pump primes when ignition is switched on.
  Clio 182
injectors pulsing? fuel in the rail doesn't mean much really. pump primes when ignition is switched on.
I was just ruling out the relay and pump, I have a noid tester to check that the injectors are being told to inject, I will try that next week, hopefully that will show something abnormal
  PH2 172
took the oil filler cap off and could see the top end turning fine so I hope not
The fact that you can see the exhaust cam moving would indicate that the belt has not gone.
But the dephaser could have come loose on the inlet cam.(It is a taper fit,with no splines or keyway)
If you don`t have a compression guage handy,check for compression by putting the car in third gear with the handbrake off and see if you can push the car.
Good compressions should be felt at regular intervals as a resistance.
