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A little bit of help please

Hi guys, right, now am I right in sayin the mk1 172 was a normal cabled throttle?

Im looking for a replacement accellerator pedal which must be a cabled one, and must still look right, so if the above is true, do the mk1 & mk2 pedal sets look the same?

If so, anyone know off the top of their head what the part number is for it?


MK 1 ACC CABLE - PART NO - 7700815667 £11.12


MK 2 - the acc pedal has a position sensor built onto it - when you move the pedal this sends a signal to the ecu - which in return sends a signal to the electric motor on the throttlebody housing. This then opens and closes the butterfly on the throttlebody - dependin on how you blip the acc pedal.
