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A Quick Wot Size Question...

  big red bus

Whats the biggest size alloys i can fit on a mk2 phase 2 clio , and will i be able to drop it ?

tyres will be mucho expensive !! The car will tramline and look like a tractor !! aswell as being hard as f**k on the road !! go for 17s
  big red bus

Realy gon get 18s might just go for a mad set of 28s and have the clio as a 4x4 !!! gona have to get it raised tho, would look well funny !!
  Mondeo STTDCI

Yep. But youll be paying for bearings and dampners etc etc. Biggest I;d go is 16s.

NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! 17s - best way forward - look great on standard and plenty big enuff - plus it wont be too bumpy, expensive and you wont have to do much(if any) work on the arches!! :D
  Lionel Richie

Quote: Originally posted by hip_spasm on 09 February 2004

Yep. But youll be paying for bearings and dampners etc etc. Biggest I;d go is 16s.
(posh accent)

are you a man or a mouse dear boy!!!
  350z & 16v Maxi

BTW on a price comparison you can get 19" Pirelli P7000 for less that 18" Pirelli P-Zeros

There is not that big a price difference.
