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Adobe Flash

  fiesta 1.25
Im in need of some help i have an assignment for uni were i need to create a flash presentation but i dont have a clue how to make buttons go to blank pages etc and what the timeline is all about best i have atm is a picture.
  172 cup'd extreme
Flash is hard to learn try a program called swish its much easier to get on with and produces simple effects very easily that you can export to an flash file.
  Fiat Panda 100hp
Open up macromedia flash and open the templates and theres a few presentations that you can choose from, there easy to edit and adapt to your needs. Easy as pie.
  Fiat Panda 100hp
you havnt got this?
  RenaultSport Clio 172
Flash ain't hard if you look in the right place to learn.


Also, you can build your presentation in Powerpoint and convert it to a .swf file using a converter, I think CoffeeCup do one.
