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Afew beginner questions....


ClioSport Club Member
I fancy having a go at using an electric car polisher, as under light the paint work of my 172 has a fair few swirl marks. I did also find a car polisher at work that was bought for a solid surface worktop 3 years ago but never used, so I suppose that has influenced my decision.

Now I'm not kidding myself, I imagine it to be a very difficult/skilled thing to get right. So I thought I'd get hold of a bonnet/wing to have a bit of a practice on first. I won't touch my car until I'm happy I'm not going to make a pigs ear of it.

So in terms of pads what will I need? Size/grade/type? And again what would be the best polish to use along side a car polisher? Also any general tips?



ClioSport Club Member
Sorry Mods, should this be in car detailing?
  Storm Grey 200
I wouldnt recommend going straight to a rotary, get hold of a kestral DAS6 kit off I4D or something, that will have all you need to get started.
