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Airbag light and seat belt tensioner

  172 Cup
Had abit of an accident the other night. Hit a curb, the airbag light came on and the seat belt tensioned. How do I fix these?
  BMW 330D
You will need to send your airbag ecu off to germany(im trying to find the company and address now).
You will need to get a new pretensioner probably be able to get one from your local scrapyard??
  172 Cup
Does it have to be sent away? Is there nowhere where you can drive in and they can do it? I assume the car will still run without the ecu? What sort of price am I looking at?


ClioSport Club Member
unless you want a new computer from renault mate thats the only other thing, you can retension it cos fires simiar to and airbag (has detenator etc) so you have to have a new one.
  172 Cup
Will it pass mot with the airbag light on and the seatbelt tensioned? How much is it to send the air bag computer away and where do I send it to? Does anybody know any companies who deal with this?
