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Alarm problem (pic)

hey, just after a bit of advice. I bought my car like this, but it is really starting to annoy me now!

basically, the light on the dash sais that a door is constantly open, and also when i lock the car, there is a high pitched beep that goes on for over a minute!

also the sensor in the car is loose/broken: pic:


any ideas what the problem is? any info would be apprechiated!
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Right you need to check your door sensor sounds like its got wet and failed thats causing the alarm some trouble since it thinks the doors still open.
sorry to sound so simple, but when you say the door sensor, do you mean the thing in the above picture,or is there another sensor?also, surely the wire shouldnt be hanging down like that?
much aprechiated, ben


ClioSport Club Member
there are little pin switches when you open you doors it opens the switch to bring on curisty lights etc its mounted just under the door catch on the b pillar on the body of the car and theres one on the boot left hand side on the plastic trim half way up
