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  1.2 16v (Race Spec)
I am thinking of upgrading the security on my 2003 Clio, I would like an alarm that 'beeps' when you arm/disarm and a total closure option if possible (think it looks good!) Also would like one with a remote boot popper as I'm just about to get my boot smoothed and de-locked.

Can anyone recommend anything, if they have something of the like or perhaps work in this line?

most clifford stuff does all of that, I'm sure that cat 1 alarms don't make a noise when armed & disarmed (i think its part of the cat 1 thing)
I'd go down the local ice shop & see what they say tbh.
  Clio 1.8 16v
Cat 1 stuff does beep, well mine does (Microscan). My mates got a Toad alarm on his with door poppers etc (Ai606 i think)
I had a cobra cat1 fitted to my valver, that was silent, my dads 172 has a factory corbra cat1 -thats silent, my meta cat 1 on my 20vt is silent.
