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Alpine head unit help!!!!

  Racing blue 182 turbo :-)
I have just bought a alpine IVA-D100R head unit i was wondering if anyone knows how to get the settings to save they reset when your turn off the ignition????


ClioSport Club Member
remove the head unit again and swap the yellow and red live cables. They are different way around in different cars.
One is a permenant live that is always on (even if the car is not on) that keeps your memory and the other is only live when you have the ignition on.

that will solve your problem
  Racing blue 182 turbo :-)
Tryed that and it leaves power to all of car i can still use fans and stuff with no key in!!
  Racing blue 182 turbo :-)
[/quote] depending on what alpine h/u he has it may be essential to do so;)[/quote]
H/U is at top of thread
