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any decent detailers?

  Ph 1 172
any decent detailers/cleaners within the harlow area cant be arsed to do it myself so wondering if anyone can recomend anyone. got my 172 and a pug 206 to do? just the outside lol


I do my own, I'm too anal to let anyone else detail my car. I'd be embarrassed to point out imperfections.
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
there are plenty of guides around and anything you are not sure of people will explain to you. everyone on heres pretty helpful so they could give you a list of products if you decided to do it yourself.:)
any decent detailers/cleaners within the harlow area cant be arsed to do it myself so wondering if anyone can recomend anyone. got my 172 and a pug 206 to do? just the outside lol
I'd fire pettsi a pm, he's in chelmo.

He has all the gear, he and I gave mine the once over :cool:

- Petts, sorry for wh*ring your name & services out mate.
