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anybody on three

  none :(
how do you find the network coverage, any major problems, do you have probelsm with wifi/internet etc

im currently on o2, went to wales last week and had no net what so ever, thinking of going to three, as they have some good prices on the iphone
  07 Campus Sport 1.2
you went to wales, kind of says it all, not many networks have coverage over there. im on 3, and got limited coverage when i was in wales, but get pretty decent coverage at home all the time.


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
i am on three seem good to me best 3g network in the country so if i get phone signal i get a 3g signal, they also use orange's network and that may include t-mobile due to the merger not sure on that though. i am very happy with three good phone prices and good coverage
  07 Campus Sport 1.2
i will say one thing though, the three customer services team are a bunch of plonkers though, all foreign and annoying.


ClioSport Club Member
I used to hate three, I commented on the fact they have poor signal in a thread a few months ago, everyone disagreed with me and said I was wrong.

So to tide me over after my contract finished last month I gave them a 2nd chance and got a cheap 3 sim only plan, £10 a month, some minutes, loads of text and data, all good.

And yep, signal is crap, I am often without signal where I had so before, its awfull. I'll be back on orange soon-ish I reckon.


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
it is not the best but i did convince them to write off the £100 i spent on internet
