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Anybody work in claims?

  e92 330i
Ok I need a bit of advice.

in December 2011 I got hit up the arse by a 7.5 tonne truck, which wrote off my clio. Now my insurance paid me the settlement figure minus my excess, which I will get back if the other party admits liability and pays up.

Theres my problem, even though I have pictures and they include the reg of the vehicle that hit me they are not paying up and it's been on going since.

Now the driver that hit me was with another guy, but the driver is denying he was even there (although I have his name) because he isn't insured on they're books (it's a big company). But this isn't my problem is it? That's their problem, I just want my excess and NCB to be restored.

Now my question, is it worth getting outside help? renewal isn't until sept but it's getting on my nerves still dragging on, and my insurance have been, s**t tbh. I'm always having to remind them to do stuff and calling for updates every 3/4 months yet last time I called in January they hadn't even sent the pictures off which I sent them in June ffs

The Chubby Pirate

ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
You must have the paitence of a stalker.

You should have got the police involved mate if they're attempting insurance fraud. Also, how can this possibly be getting strung out this long? If someone hits you from behind they almost always carry the can!

I'd be phoning them every day.
  e92 330i
Ha I know, I really just don't have the time to keep calling everyday, plus I'm way to polite to kick up a fuss. Ill give them a call and get the full run down of whats going on. Would the police be a good call then? I'd hope my insurance would be on top of that...clearly not.
  e92 330i
Useless, just rang them, the 3rd party want a description of the driver...Then why has nobody called to ask me for one ffs!! never again will I renew with elephant!
  220 Trophy
Whilst it may not be apparent, your insurance company will be looking to recover the money they paid to you from the 3rd party. This is clearly not a 'knock for knock' loss where blame could be apportioned 50/50 as you have been hit from behind, even if you slammed on the brakes because a cat ran in the road the 3rd party should've been sufficiently behind to have braked in time. As mentioned above I would contact them every couple of days, not 3 or 4 months. Its now time to put pen to paper and write to them titling the letter "Complaint" (this way they have to escalate it within the company) and explain everything in writing and that they appear not to have been proactive in pursuing recovery from the 3rd party from which you also need to recover your XS. Finish the letter of with that if things do not improve you will unfortunately have to contact the Financial Ombudsman.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Only if their are injuries I believe.

This, or damage being caused to property e.g. Houses, signs etc.

i've got an ongoing claim at the moment, the police have found the 3rd party at fault and I have supporting witness evidence, yet their insurer is still trying to dispute. Meanwhile my insurer is doing f**k all about it even though I'm ringing them every day. It's going to a claims management service tonight (provided by my union), because this is getting ridiculous.

Sadly it's the lesser of many evils when picking an insurer, and mine seems to be very interested in taking my money but very uninterested in all that 'insuring' malarkey.
  Leon FR - Clio Sold.
This, or damage being caused to property e.g. Houses, signs etc.

i've got an ongoing claim at the moment, the police have found the 3rd party at fault and I have supporting witness evidence, yet their insurer is still trying to dispute. Meanwhile my insurer is doing f**k all about it even though I'm ringing them every day. It's going to a claims management service tonight (provided by my union), because this is getting ridiculous.

Sadly it's the lesser of many evils when picking an insurer, and mine seems to be very interested in taking my money but very uninterested in all that 'insuring' malarkey.

Who are you insured with? Accident/claim 'Management' Companies are shite. I wouldnt waste your time.

I work in claims.

To be honest if your insurance company isnt doing ANYTHING to try and get an admission of liability from the Third Party insurers then thats rediculous. That means they are losing out on money thats possibly owed to them due to them paying our on a non fault claim. Call them and make a formal complaint. Then put it in writing and mention the FOS. (Financial Ombudsman Services).

I would as said above call them all the time and keep chasing. If you were with the Co-Op I would do the chasing for you. But claims can be open and ongoing for years so unfortunatly this isnt uncommon.

Let me know how it goes!

The Chubby Pirate

ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
I'm amazed people are so compliant about such pressing issues.

You're being shafted because of someone else's dishonesty, nice guys finish last! Get in about those f***s like a dog eating beetroot!
  Black 172
I used to work in Claims and still have some involvement.

If the driver of the other vehicle is not covered the vehicle insurer still have a liability under the Road Traffic Act - but may play hardball until an unsatisfied judgement is obtained.

I'm not clear what outside help you are referring to. If you want me to have a proper look drop me a PM and ill go into more detail with you.
  e92 330i
Cheers Brad, pm sent

and thanks everybody for the help, I will be calling a lot more often and chasing up
