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Anyone know of a portable air conditioning unit that works of 12v

  Mégane RS
Havent got AC in my car and i was wondering if you could buy little units that plug into the cig lighter?
  172 cup'd extreme
buy a bottle of LN2 and let it off every now and then, that will surely cool you down, you can buy small bottles from Boc gases 0161 7944651 tell um jon sent you for a discount
  Clio 197
Water, water and water!!

Get yerself an 8L 12v cooler, and stick bottles of water in it.

Drink as appropriate.

Cooler: £21.99 @ Halfords

Water: £1.50 for 6 bottles @ Tesco.

  HyperAlloy Combat Chassis
They suck a lot of juice so I don't know if it would run from a cig lighter? Plus you would need somewhere to vent hot air, don't fancy driving around with a hose hanging out the window!
  Renaultsport 220T
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
An A/C unit that would do enough work to be useful wouldn't run off a voltage as low as 12V. It'd draw too many amps. More than your alternator supplies. An electric A/C would be about as effective as those electric superchargers. Some things just draw so much power they have to run directly off the engine.
