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Anyone played Metro 2033?

  Clio 1970000000
Seems to be increasingly familiar to make the single-player campaigns quite short. That way they can charge for extra DLCs or just purely focus on the online section of the game.

Cynical? Moi? ;)


I agree with you but can't be arsed to play multiplayer. Loved Bioshock 2 and that was short but way longer than 10 hours.

Already a thread. Got it release day but still not played

Should have checked first :eek:
  Crappy work hire car
^ Can't wait for Splinter Cell, but I was tempted by this. Let me know how it is if you get it Marv :)
  Crappy work hire car
Lol so he literally came on here, said he'd played it, gave no further information and then left.
i've not seen the other thread, but have this atm. it's 'not very good'

just dull, really. only a couple of hours into it and there've been lots of cut scenes, which disrupt what little flow there is

not my cuppa, so far
