I'm on the look out for a new mitt aswell.
Do not like.
But personal experience rules all, you know that.
Lambswool for me on bodywork. Sheepswool is okay for the rest (imo)
Do not like the look of or do not like to use??
Gally yep a noodle mitt.
£10 lambswool jobbie from CYC has always worked fine for me. No intention to change yet. Seem to last the best part of a year when looked after too.
Tried one once. You know what it's like. Walking through Halfrauds looking for anything actually half decent, needed some more Autosol and bought one as 342. Regretted it as soon as it touched the bonnet of the Clio. Not major marring, but not exactly brilliant. Luckily it was just before I had intended to machine it for the sale to Alex on here. So "problem" rectified.
They do last well, but you can get them cheaper buddy (a quid is a quid!) off Monza Car Care on eBay.
Ive been using these...
Tried one once. You know what it's like. Walking through Halfrauds looking for anything actually half decent, needed some more Autosol and bought one as 342. Regretted it as soon as it touched the bonnet of the Clio. Not major marring, but not exactly brilliant. Luckily it was just before I had intended to machine it for the sale to Alex on here. So "problem" rectified.
They do last well, but you can get them cheaper buddy (a quid is a quid!) off Monza Car Care on eBay.