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Arctic Blue touch-up paint

Does anyone know whether the 182 Arctic Blue touch-up paint is available? If so, where can I get it?

My dealer says they havent done one yet - but seeing as the car has been out since December 03, Id be surprised.



Quote: Originally posted by Jeremy Townsend on 28 July 2004

Cuban heels ?
Errr yes, I wasnt cross dressing or anything. ;)

To be honest I think it was when some little f****r threw an empty pop bottle under my car as I drove past the other night. :mad: The one on the bonnet was a stone.
  Ultra Red Megane R26

Quote: Originally posted by Lee M on 28 July 2004
Quote: Originally posted by Jeremy Townsend on 28 July 2004Cuban heels ?[/QUOTE]Errr yes, I wasnt cross dressing or anything. ;)To be honest I think it was when some little f****r threw an empty pop bottle under my car as I drove past the other night. :mad:  The one on the bonnet was a stone.

Had a little b*****d throw a stone at mine a week back. I screeched to a hault and started screaming at him while I inspected the damage. Couldnt see anything thank god so said if he continued doing it hed get a beating from someone one day!


ClioSport Club Member
  BMW M5 Audi TT

I had some Arctic blue paint made up at a specialist paint company, i could not wait for Renault to get their act together after selling me a car that you could not get touch up paint for. Unless you wanted to wait 6 months that is. It is an excellent match and i got more than i will ever use for eight pound, which is probably a damn sight cheaper than Renaults will be.


  Arctic 182

Ive just picked up some from the dealer and its wrong!

Vin plate code is J41, code on pack is D41.

Thought it would be OK both being 41 but it doesnt match.

Invoice says Mar Blue (maritime / marine blue?). Part number is R77 11 210 768.

Has anyone actualy managed to get hold of the right arctic blue stuff from Renault yet? I cant be arsed going to an independat paint supplier.
  2008 Golf GTI Edition 30

I know its pretty poor tbh.

They ought to have the touch up sticks available as soon as the cars are first delivered.



I asked last week while I was in my local dealer, its in the catalogue but not available yet.

While youre at it with the touch-up paint you should colour code the fusebox cover, airbox (if youve still got one) and engine cover. Make it look swish.

Ta, Andy

ps. Anyone actually got all three of those colour coded? if so id love to see it.
  Ford Fiesta

Quote: Originally posted by Lee on 28 July 2004

Quote: Originally posted by Jeremy Townsend on 28 July 2004

Cuban heels ?
Errr yes, I wasnt cross dressing or anything. ;)

To be honest I think it was when some little f****r threw an empty pop bottle under my car as I drove past the other night. :mad: The one on the bonnet was a stone.

what chip do you need to repair? and it wasnt from driving over a bottle was it!?
