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around 600 for laptop, which one??

im going to be looking for a laptop very soon and am wondering what you lot would recommend for arounf the £600 mark..
someones selling some ACER's on here for 650 with a pretty good spec for the price! if i had the money i would have got one by now.
  2005 Impreza WRX STI
for that price u wanna be looking for 40-80gb 512ram wireless network thingy and dvd/Cd writer. look in computer mags m8 theres loads on offer!
talk to Apple, u can blag 512mb, 60gb, wireless, bluetooth all for £600 in an iBook, which lets face it... is sexy as f**k.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Dansta said:
talk to Apple, u can blag 512mb, 60gb, wireless, bluetooth all for £600 in an iBook, which lets face it... is sexy as f**k.

Dan, you should know better than to mention the "M" word round here! ;)
