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Aspire one trash.

Hi guys..Iv looked in the internet and have followed many different instructions but they dont work.
Basically I keep getting a thing popping up saying im running out of disk space. Iv extended the memory with a SD card but thatsnearly full of pictures. Iv tried putting stuff in the trash but it says its full up and I cant find anywhere to empty it.
Anyone got any ideas? thanks.
  Bus w**ker
Harddrive, although I'd assume yours is solid state.

By the sounds of it you're just filling the thing up, it's a netbook it's not really designed to be a storage device or your sole form of computing. Your only real options are to plump for a large SD card but even then you're only looking at around 32Gb and they aren't cheap or you could get an external HDD, you can pick up a 1Tb for around £50 now.

No idea on your problem about not being able to empty Trash, surely you just go in to Trash and select empty from the menu? You could try Shift+Del on all the items in Trash (or anywhere else) as that should permanently delete the files from your system.
I know its stupid but iv looked everywhere even in the hidden files. I dont download music or films its mostly pictures. But there is definately not a trash can anywhere. It does say to resolve this problem click here...which I do and it say empty trash which I do but then the same thing pops up again.
Looks like I will get a new SD card. Thanks for your help.
  Bus w**ker
Try this.
Open the file manager (e. g. on My Documents), choose Go -> Trash.

I'd also personally opt for the external, especially if it's photos. Whilst you won't have access to all your documents when you're out and about, they are at least stored more securely than on the SSD or an SD card. Works out to be A LOT more economical to buy a 1Tb external for £40 than a 32Gb SD card for £30. You could always throw an SD card in for stuff that you want to have available when you're out and about and store the rest on an external for when you're at home. You choice though.
