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Audio Fitting Guides


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
Hey, the time is approaching for me to change my sound system in my clio. I have a small idea about how i would go about fitting new headunit/speakers etc but would like a nice few guides to read through before starting. Ive seen the stuff in the guide section but thats all really.

Would it be an idea to change the standard wiring if im changing front/rear speakers which will only be head unit amp'd?

no need to upgrade the hu wiring if your not amping your speakers
hu's removal is easy you dont need a guide
speakers are easy to replace if its straight swap for a set of co-axials, components slightly more difficult


ClioSport Club Member
  Turbo S,Exige,R5,182
Yeah ill be fitting components to front ofc, any tips to where to put tweeters? ive heard people putting them in doors or putting them where the current ones are in the dash.
i put mine in the current ones position,its dead easy,only a few simple screws to remove top of the dash. has a guide for it.
as for wiring you can either drill through the original block and use your own wiring or use the original wiring to do it and connect it to your crossover.
imo best to put in original place as it makes it easier come resale time of the car
  Clio Sport 182
i'm doin that tommorow !! if you put in a search for headunit or speaker wire colours there is plenty of help on the site you just have to search through all the posts.
