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just been to pick up my car from my usual parking space

as i arrived, i noticed two whopping great big scratches down the drivers side,

more worrying is that the drivers side was in the middle of the road and the passenger side was parked up on the kerb

something tells me that the car has been singled out for deliberate damage and was not a spur of the moment thing

so now this month i have to get the drivers door and rear quarter panel resprayed, new wing mirrors and new tyres - im gonna be broke for the next couple of months me thinks

cant even put it on my credit card as i cut it up half way through last month

why cant people leave other peoples things alone?? and why does it always seem to be me that gets singled out??

sorry about the rant but i needed to vent my anger somewhere

one seriously pissed off human

If the car has moved from where you parked it and the scratches go through to the metal, Id say it looks like someone has crashed into your parked car. w**kers.

the car was in exactly the same place as i left it,

but these are almost certain to be from a screwdriver, i have seen damage from keys and its never been that severe

there is no dents in the bodywork either (i know that you dont always get dents from accidents)

Quote: Originally posted by bambam on 05 May 2003

more worrying is that the drivers side was in the middle of the road and the passenger side was parked up on the kerb
Confused :confused:. Sounds like you are saying the car had been moved!


  Audi TT Stronic

no i think he means the car wasnt even fully on the road.. so if a car did swipe it they would have had to really move into the side of the road to clip it.

exactly - as above

i always park on the kerb to allow other cars plent of room

this was a definite malicious attack on my beloved car
