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be broadband currently


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
mine went weird this morning with BBC (o2, same isp)
I just assumed it was high traffic due to the USA situation.


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
I'm with O2 and i couldn't get to some sites last night.

It's a DNS issue by the looks of it because I changed my connection settings to use the OpenDNS DNS servers and everything worked perfectly.

I'd recommend anyone to use these anyway, problems or not.
  Revels Mum & Sister
whats the situation in the USA?

I'm moving to BE in febuary :D


Knows it Nik solves a lot of problems and I find resolves quicker. Have used them on BT, Virgin, Zen and loads of others and always been an improvment
  Monaro VXR
Be are currently upgrading some exchanges they sent an email out a couple weeks ago about it.

Due to higher usage they are upgrading. Likely to have a few problems until the 13th I think it was.
