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  Arctic Blue 182
Dont know if this is in the right section to post but sometimes when I lock my car it beeps three times in a high pitch. Why is this?
Bit confused :S please help!


It's a fault with the alarm, your dealer can fix it for you. They just have to swap a lead as far as I know.

I've had it on my last two. They tired to fix it on the 182 and failed, then it stopped on it's own. The Trophy hasn't done it recently either.:S
  Arctic Blue 182
Thats not good is it! It only happens occasionally, not all the time but its had me wondering.

Will ring the place I got it from then and see what they say.
Thanks for your help Lee!
  Clio 172 CUP
GazCB said:
Don't you get a beep if your key fob battery is low?

I wish it did on mine, when it decided to not work late one night! think it also beeps if the doors aren't shut properly and think also for the boot and bonnet.
  MY10 R35 GTR
I had probs with my alarm when i first got my car, alarm went of randomly.

Turned out it was the sensors inside were set wrong... anyway. I occasionally get the same, three high pitched beeps when i lock my car. Alarm doesn't go off but no harm going back and checking that the doors r shut right.
  182 - conneries de c
My 182 has the same issue with the alarm beeping randomly!

Expermented and it and it beeps when I turn the alarm on quickly after I exit the car. Doesn't when I leave about 20-30 seconds before activating the alarm.

Maybe something to do with residual charge?

As said before in this thread, can be sorted but do we trust the dealers to fix it completely! My alarm still works even if the beeps sound so I haven't bothered getting mine looked at.Yet!!
