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Best Android apps and games

  Audi TT
Come on then people list them here please so others can try them out :)

Preferably free but if something is absolutely worth paying for tell us why :)

  Audi TT
Anything interesting to be fair. Liked the Google goggles and google sky apps.

will give bonsai blast a try.
  Audi TT
yeah beebplayer is pretty good though doesn't appear as good quality as youtube vids.

Any good media player apps for divx .AVI files?
Armageddon squadron, wave blaster and raging thunder All race/flying games tilt to steer etc.

Copilot for a sat-nav

Handcent for messages

Footmob for goal alerts etc, does every league you can think of and recently updated for world cup.

Astro for a file manager... I'm sure there's more!
