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Best sat nav for your money ?

Im looking to a sat nav but dont know which one to get.

I dont drive in europe so dont need that extra.

Just want a good one for my money.
  Audi Q7, Avalanche
Cost Co have a special offer on at the moment, the Navman N20 for £140 which is a bargain, loads of functions - comes with maps of all of UK (obviously) but also of rep of ireland i think. also has fixed speed camera locations. a great little unit!
Is the cost co one reliable and how often do you have to update it.

But £140 is really cheap dont you think ?

Is it a cheapo sat nav what was the normal price of it.
I have just been looking at the cost co navman n20 and it looks really good but i dont know between navman n20 or the tomtom one
drsmith said it was ill have to go and have a look butt he tomtom one regional look really good nice design and the features look great and can always rely on a tomtom.
just bought a 910, excellent, used it in scotland, perfect instructions everytime.

TomTom one you can buy it from comet online for 184 i think and free delivery, much thinner than the *10 range, dont know if it supports bluetooth connectivity for the phone.

Used Garmin and they are good too.


garmn i3..... as good as tomtom but half the price brand new!!! plus free up dates and speed cam locations


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
The costco one is advertsied as the icn530 IIRC but they have sold out. Apparently they will honour this deal when their stock of N20's arrives. They are £140.99 inc. VAT.

I have just bought a Tomtom One for £168.25 delivered from Currys.

See here:

Add the item to your basket, select the quantity use the code BPCTT289848NEW and update, use the code price10 and update again.
Job done, £168.25.
Navman are poop, very unreliable.

Go for a tom tom GB 200 quid.

Dont be pulled in by a cheapo sat nav, they are usualy very unreliable.

And i would steer clear of tom tom one offers, they are obsolete. spend the extra on a v2! :)


ClioSport Club Member
  ST3 8.5
Tomtom One is what i have now, but used to have Garmin 3i, both good value units that are easy to use.
I think i will go with the tomtom one GB

I thought tomtom was really good one of the best ive heard good things about the tomtom one GB.
  2001 Ph1 172
Hey Im Crow ive just regestered today!!! I reckomen any of the tom tom range !!!! tom tom one gb is the basic UK model well worth the £200ish !!!!
IM manager for halfords and sell for a living ! Hope to have helped!


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
The offer posted on the previous page is for the latest V2 as can be seen when ordering through the Currys website.
I'd recommend Garmin i3 - got mine last weekend from the Carphone Warehouse (online) for £99. Mapping seems to be spot on around my area (except not having my road on it - was built in past 8 months). And successfully got us to a mates house in Lancaster yesterday. Very impressed so far.
  2001 Ph1 172
The issue with the I3 is when you put the latest Garmin sofwer or maping on it, the pocessor cant handle it. hense making it stupidy slow! we stop selling them about ayear ago for this reason. sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
  2001 Ph1 172
Wise choice ! i sound realy sad !!! but stocks are very low in the country at the minute be warned! (PLEASE NOTE : YES I DONEED TO GET OUT MORE!!!!!!)
  2001 Ph1 172
Im on the South coast mate! lol i wish i could mate bt u know rules r rules lol!!!!!
Hi crow, what store you at? I am currently 2-wheel manager @ 0900 mansfield.

The offer posted on the previous page is for the latest V2 as can be seen when ordering through the Currys website.

Sorry dude, thought we were the only company to have them atm.

Very good price for it if it is a GB IMO. :)
  Renaultsport Clio 172 Ph2
definatly the tom tom one! its excellent and u can get the camera database off the net for free!
The issue with the I3 is when you put the latest Garmin sofwer or maping on it, the pocessor cant handle it. hense making it stupidy slow! we stop selling them about ayear ago for this reason. sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

hmm, I know a few people with them who've updated their software without suffering any problems afterwards...
  Merc Coupe V6 AMG
i got two from costco navman n20 for 140 what a steal. works wicked. has the whole of europe maps, speed camera etc.
