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Bit Torrent - Azureus help


  911 GTS Cab
anyone ever had the error (port 6346 is blacklisted) when trying to download something in the tracker status field please?

  172 Cup
Had port 6881 (default BT port) is blacklisted before so I simply changed the port to 6882 in Azereus and forwarded it in my router and the tracker was fine.


  911 GTS Cab
you might as well have written that in Latin for all the sense it made mate.

But thanks! ;)


  911 GTS Cab
.Griff. said:
lol What Bit Torrent client are you using?
god, you are a waste of time boy, the answer was in the title of the thread!!!!!

I will go elsewhere and find someone that knows what they are talking about as you obviously dont!!!!!!
i use bit comet (the best :p) but iirc, go in options, and i think its on the first page of seetings you should see something that says "listen port" - change that to 49152 (thats what i use, and most private trackers will allow that....dont ask :p)

hope that helps


  911 GTS Cab
thanks for the advice, i have another tracker now that seems to work but i will keep that port in mind!!!
I changed to Bit Comet (although I'm now a newsgroups convert thanks to griff) from azureus as it was hammering my system resources.
