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*Bloody Birds*

Ok i sure everyone gets it... by my hous ei have two very big trees, when i get my car washed the birds must use my car as the target...

Well basically i havnt had the tym to give it a wash so i took it down the road to the polish men... i have a few stains on the car and i said to them remove them... he said he cant birds crap is like acid (which i new) but surly this can be removed... what will do the job T-cut???
Well the "poo" has been cleaned off but yer its made the paint look whiter... as if its actually part of the paint and cant be removed?

Like cum in the boxers... hahahaha


Any bird oxidisation that you have depending on how old it is.

It's up to you.


It's called oxidisation and it can be removed. I'm not working til 9.30 tonight so I can pop along and have a look at it for you depending on where you live.


So you dont live in london then??

Yeah I can recommend something.
  Clio II 1.5 dCi Dynamique
The clear coat on the bonnet of my met black Dynamique has three or four etch marks from bird sh*te where a previous owner obviously couldn't be ar$ed to clean it off ... any ideas what I can use to get rid of these?


Listen guys.

If anyone is really fcut off with bird sheight eating away at their lacquer and really not sure what to do then I can highly recommend quixx. It is a 2 stage process with the first part being an easy to apply cutting compound. Most of you will have tried T-cut and various polishing compounds and had no results. Stage 2 is a polich that restores the original finish.

Just apply stage 1 with a nice circular motion for about 1 - 2 mins.then wash off, then apply stage 2 till you get a showroom shine. I advise to wash and polish the car before you use quixx.

I have a fair bit left so if anyone has any issues and is local I can show them a demo.
Prevention is better than cure!
Shoot the little fcukers out of the trees!
Only joking use a good wax like Collignites 911 takes longer to get through and damage the paintwork.
  Clio 182
This quixx looks decent, may have to get some of this myself!

Anyone know if it will take keys scuffs out etc and the graze?
i used it... i rate on gettin birds crap out but scratchs... no way !.

Unless i was doing something rong, it said wet the sand paper file the scratch then apply stage 1 then 2... can you give me some advice ?
