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Boot Catch

  C-VXR, T8 Map 220BHP
just tried to close my boot and the U ring which it conects to has been pushed into the plastic area in the boot. so now my boot is flapping around with noithing to connect with. this happen to anybody? if so how did you fix it?
  172 Cup (track) FS
the same thing happened on mine, it had worked its way loose and was also causing the alarm to go off randomly.

Either side of the catch there is a Torx bolt which controls the tightness of the 'U' ring.

So fish out the U shap, align correctly, apply grease as needed. Then tighten up the 2 Torx bolts and you're done. Make sure that the tailgate closes fully into the opening - if not then adjust the U ring again and re-tighten.

Keep an eye on the catch as I'm guessing they work their way loose quite easily.
  C-VXR, T8 Map 220BHP
the same thing happened on mine, it had worked its way loose and was also causing the alarm to go off randomly.

Either side of the catch there is a Torx bolt which controls the tightness of the 'U' ring.

So fish out the U shap, align correctly, apply grease as needed. Then tighten up the 2 Torx bolts and you're done. Make sure that the tailgate closes fully into the opening - if not then adjust the U ring again and re-tighten.

Keep an eye on the catch as I'm guessing they work their way loose quite easily.

ok, i'll give it a go after work. just got to get one of those * shapped screwdrivers!
