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Bosch aero wipers?

  PH2 172
Was thinking bout getting a set for my 172 cup. But im not sure how good they are etc anyone on here have them and how well do they clear the window etc etc.
  Bus w**ker
I've got them and TBQFH there is no difference between them and the £9 jobbies off the bay.

The Bosch ones may possibly last longer, I've only had them on a couple of months, but unless they last 3+ years I can't see how they will ever be worth the money. I won't bother with them again.
  CLIO PH1 172
i got mine off ebay they have been on the car for over 3 months and are still in perfect condition and work much better than standard.
  Iceberg 172
I got mine off ebay aswell, they've been on the car for over a year now and there still ok and in good condition
