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Brand new phone line connection and broadband Q's

  White clique
Hi all,

I have only just got round (after 2 years) to contacting BT to get a phone line installed in my apartment! Until now i've relied on mobile broadband at home, my god its slower than dial up at times!! :rolleyes:

Anyway, i gave up on holding for BT, so have ordered a BT line online, my questions as a noob are:-

1) The only option for getting a new connection seemed to be to order a contract, i've gone for the £11.95 a month call package, but will only use the line to access broadband, not for any calls. Have i just cocked up, or do i actually need the monthly line rental to keep the line open?

2) I'm looking at plusnet (seen Gally's thread on this), shall i, or is the BT broadband ok? I just want a smooth relaible service!

alant1000 :)
  Mondeo STTDCI
You need the line rental AFAIK. I have a similar situation where I have a home phone line JUST for broadband!
  Fiesta ST
Aye, your renting the physical line from BT - it's up to you what you use it for calls, broadband or both.

I think plusnet do line rental for a couple of pounds cheaper if you switch.


  911 GTS Cab
they charge you £135 for a new line too, bloody rip off!

Bt broadband is ok, i've had it for 4 years and not had an issue, downloading hundreds of GB's a month.

They have just upgraded to 20mb too.
  White clique
Thanks very much everyone, just wasnt sure if i'd mugged myself into signing up for monthly line rental unnecessarily.

i'll be paying £11.95 to BT and about a tenner i think to Plusnet, so not a complete disaster i suppose.
