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Bristol / South West Bodyshops


Just ordered a clio sported rear bumper, should be here Wednesday hopefully (Woohoo!!)

Can anyone reccomend any decent places to get it sprayed? In bristol if possible, but dont mind traveling a few miles if it means im going to get a decent job done at a sensible price :D i know of a few, but i've got visions in my head of it not turning out the right colour lol? Probably me just being silly, but if anyone has any work done in or around Bristol and was happy with the quality and didn't pay a fortune, if you could let me know that would be great. Cheers


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I use Motorcare in Kingswood or DK cars and Bikes in Fishponds.

pm me if you want the number.

Don't mean to sound rude but messers need not apply!! These boys are proper busy all the time and are good friends of mine.
  Honda & VW
Pollards in Frampton did a cracking job on my front bumper of my Teg, paint match was incredible, not bad price too.

Friends have also been there and had amazing work done.

