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broadband.....simple as


ClioSport Club Member
my girlfriend needs broadband lol

nothing flash needed but reliable would be good obviously, not really bothered about download limits so that is open too.

i am with plusnet, how does that fair also

cheers neil


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I absolutely cannot fault o2(be*) broadband.

£7.50pm and its great.

All i had to do was buy a ADSL faceplate (£15) because my house wiring is s**t.

(Also cant fault Virgin 20mb, but thats £alot!)
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I cannot fault Orange BB, I just have the free one they gave with my contract, upto 2mb line, always get near as damn 2mb connection any time of the day, had for a yr now with not 1 problem, touch wood !
  1998 BMW e46 323i
I'm thinking of O2 also, my free Sky BB (which has been faultless) will be getting cancelled soon now I'm on freesat.
  Revels Mum & Sister
Virgin BB unlimited here. £17 a month or something and includes free evening and weekend calls. Not had one problem in 15 months. HAMMER it and not had any letters
^ you will now ;)

Those limits... HAHAHA.
I'm sure I did some calculations on them in another thread.. shocking shocking shocking.
Yup it's crap.

Lets do the maths, starting at midnight I start downloading at 20mb

10:30: I'm cut down to just 5mb which lasts for 5 hrs.
15:30: my speed returns to 20mb.
16:30: I'm cut down to 5mb again.
21:30: I get 20mb.
14 hours at 20mb
10 hours at 5mb

So they're claiming that for 10 hours of any day, I'll only receive 5mb (if I use the service, which is after all why I subscribe to it). So what I'm really paying for is about 13mb service which they're advertising as a 20mb service that they can't support. I'll only ever get 68.75% of the bandwidth they've sold me.

