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Bt home hub help...


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
My home hub has all the correct green lights on and my laptop connects and has the correct symbols I'm the bottom right hand corner . However when I open the Internet nothing will connect.

I've done the vista diagnose and it appears to think it is a problem with my ISP. I also think that as my iPhone will connect to the router but again it won't work so I don't think that both my laptop and iPhone are broken.

It seems to be the router that has the problem... Is this a common symptom? I would research it but it is a little bit tricy on the iPhone!!!

Any suggestions or help much appreciated.
what generation of hub is it btw..?

if its the original white ones...i had to get two replaced as they burnt out or some crap like that...

it was a common fault...took an age to get them aswell


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
Kiev-I have pressedcthe reset button on the home hub but it doesn't make any difference

Roy - yeah I have tried powering it on and off several times. I ain't done any pinging as it quite clearly the router IMO.

Yeah it is a White one. Already had one replaced ...
Kiev-I have pressedcthe reset button on the home hub but it doesn't make any difference

Roy - yeah I have tried powering it on and off several times. I ain't done any pinging as it quite clearly the router IMO.

Yeah it is a White one. Already had one replaced ...

ahh right, so youve been through all the hassel before then??

im on home hub at the moment...

tempermental as feck some times...

i used to pull the power plug out if it stopped working, and i kid you not, leave it for 5mins...then it worked again...

not had any trouble at all with it this year tho...

so im out...
Ah ok sweet. I suggested a ping as a triple check that it wasn't just your browser but, considering your iPhone can't connect to the web either, I guess it's obvious.

Have you tried banging it on the top? lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
Tbh, I'm probably just going to throw it out the window... I'll let my landlady know and she can sort it out tbh... LOL

I reckon bt have just got the arse as I was raping them on the torrents for my iPod prior to going away this weekend!!!
Tbh, I'm probably just going to throw it out the window... I'll let my landlady know and she can sort it out tbh... LOL

I reckon bt have just got the arse as I was raping them on the torrents for my iPod prior to going away this weekend!!!

u might have reached your limit...(even if you have option 3 which is unlimited)..

they still have a fair use policy...

but ive not known anyone to actually hit this..?

what option are you on?
I hated the home hub with a passion, turn it off then on again was the only way I could get mine to work.

same here...haha

i couldnt even be arsed hodling the reset in for 30 seconds...way to long...

so it was power cable out the back pish...
Is this wireless, Seb? IIRC the router isn't in your apartment so I guess it must be. Can you try a wired connection at all? Maybe slip her length while you're over there?
  A4 Avant
I went through 2 homehubs, both were awful, kept dropping the wireless connection for no reason. I ended up binning the 2nd replacement and bought a wireless router. Worked perfectly, everytime afterwards.
It has to be said, most ISP hardware is complete toilet made from recycled ice cream cartons and casio watches. Cheap routers are s**te. I know of a few people, including myself, who have moved over to decent stuff like Lynksys and have never had to even so much as power cycle ever since. Fact.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
It isn't normal if u hit the download limit forvthem to just cut you off. They just send a letter and bill u forcthe extra gb.

I may try a wired connection later. The home hub is in the kitchen so not tricky for me to give it a go... I don't hold out much hope though tbh.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
yeah... it has fixed itself now... hmmmm... BT FTL etc...


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
f**k yeah!

in a way BT owns. fixes itself... how strange.
never get internet with bt!!.. once theres one problem, there will be more

and the service is a pisstake, i use to get disconnected every 2days, got 2mb from a package that said 10mb


  911 GTS Cab
never get internet with bt!!.. once theres one problem, there will be more

and the service is a pisstake, i use to get disconnected every 2days, got 2mb from a package that said 10mb
thats not bt, its your distance from the exchange and they only do up to 8mb, not 10.

I get 4.5mb and rarely have problems, thats will having an average download of about 200gb a month.

their option 3 is unlimited, there is no limit, if you use it a lot they curb you down to about 1-2 mb in the evenings but thats all.
  Bumder With A Buffer
It isn't normal if u hit the download limit forvthem to just cut you off. They just send a letter and bill u forcthe extra gb.

I may try a wired connection later. The home hub is in the kitchen so not tricky for me to give it a go... I don't hold out much hope though tbh.

Huh! I wish they sent us a letter.. we are with Bt and everybill has an "extra useage charge" im like FFS how am I supposed to tell if I'm going over??!! Theres no way to cehck it FFS.

Homehub= s**t. Ours has been dropping out like f**k, last night about 5-6 times and thats with it wired! Wireless I dont even bother with as that cuts out all the time.
