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Can a 2nd hand key be reprogrammed to fit my car?


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
I know it has been asked before but I never seem to find a conclusive answer. My 172 has only ever had 1 key/ If Ibought another from Ebay, could it be reprogrammed to work on my car, who/where can do it and is it going to empty my wallet?
If you get a new blank key they yes it can be programmed by Renault takes about half an hour. You need the metal bit though to operate the locks/ignition though so thats £12 or so as well and takes a few days to order and you need some documents to prove you own the car from memory before a dealership will order they keys (they have to be made in France).
once a key has been programmed and used on a vehicle it cannot be used
on another car. had lots of people come in with keys or mag cards they have brought of e-bay only to be dissapointed they are worth less. my advice would be not to but unless they can give a gaurentee it hasnt been used and will give full refund if/when a dealer says 'sorry mate , wont work'.
prob best to steer clear altogether.
he may be a key specialist and can virginise them, but would very suprised, he does have good feedback score though.
