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Car doesn't unlock when I open the door!

  Track valver + Ibiza FR
I drive off and the doors look automatically but when I park up and open the door it just unlocks the drivers door and not every where like it used to do?? I have to get back in a push the unlock button on the centre console. Thos then puts my centre locking out of sync with my clifford. I have to then unlock the doors by putting the key in the door.

Why isn't the car unlocking when the drivers door is opened from the inside like it used to??

Any advice would be great

  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Has your Clifford got autolock engaged ? if so you need to deactivate either the cars autolock or the Cliffords, as they will get out of sync.
  Track valver + Ibiza FR
Its only started doing it in the last couple of weeks but the clifford has been on the car about 2 and a half years and not had any trouble with it.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Its only started doing it in the last couple of weeks but the clifford has been on the car about 2 and a half years and not had any trouble with it.

It only takes a passenger getting out of the car by lifting the button before you switch off to put it out of sync.

Try re-setting the cars locking to normal and check it again.
