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carbon fibre laser cutting?

  RB 182
I know there is another thead but don't want to hijack it...

Can this stuff be laser cut? Only asking as I can get this done at work but obviously don't want to feck anything up if not sure...


  DCi 100
I find..

If you are cutting just plain fiber without resin, no problem.
If you are cutting pre-preg fiber with uncured resin, it could start an area to cure.
If you are wanting to cut cured parts, the rate would have to be set to assure you don't induce de-laminations. Collecting the fumes will be necessary due the the off gassing of the cured resin.
But, most likely it will catch on fire ! It does burn readily.
The water-jet/abrasive method is most predominant for precision and large items.
Routers, saws, and mills with abrasive tools (preferably Diamond faced) are used along with jigs for both carbon and fiberglass composites,
  RB 182
cheers, will give it a miss as i don't want to start a fire in work, nor get the health and safety people moaning with the fumes lol.

Matt, i'll call you next week. Been a busy bee and not had time to do so in regards to my last PM.
