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changing display colour

  clio rxe
is it possible to change the colour of the display on the dash showing time etc, from orange?
  Polo + Micra
yes remove dash top then you will have access to clock

it is just cliped in and when you have it out remove the orange filter and replace with something sutable in the correct colour.

but it might be a bit s**t as the lamps are crap
  clio rxe
had the dash out the other day when i was connecting up remote controller, how do you get the orange filter out, and what do you use as a replacement?
  Clio 172
So as well as replacing the LEDs, for the desired colour, you need to remove the orange filter for a clear one? Any ideas on a suitable material?
  clio rxe
have you done it dink? how did it look after it? is it worth the job? and how does filter come out? got the clock out easy enough, what next?
