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Cheap Karcher


ClioSport Club Member
  V6 Mk1, Golf GTI Mk5
Does anyone know where I can get a cheap karcher pressure washer from?

Cheapest I found is £45 Tesco

Has to be the karcher one so I can fit the foam lance.

Also will it run with enough pressure from a tap lol?

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
brembo do you have a jet wash at current as there are loads of fitting about:

Mine is a challange extreme jet wash or something but as you can see from the picture its a lavor fitting... had a quick blast on the dads car before i crack it out on mine tomorrow with the new products and a machine polish hehe :D



But yeh Tesco's is deffo the cheapest unless your going to get a snidey one on the bay.


ClioSport Club Member
  V6 Mk1, Golf GTI Mk5
Online mate

I had a karcher at home but need one for up here, so are you saying I could buy a crappy tesco value one and put a new valve on it boosh ?

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Yes brembo... try and look at the connector at the end and compare it with the above pic to see what would fit. 9/10 you can use one of the above connections. plus if you order frm cleanyour car they have all the above connections and will sort you out if you order wrong connector
