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Cheapest place for 'just' internet?

  6/468 17poo
Moving into a flat with my mate and we just want net and havent got a bt line and dont particularly want to pay for it, is Tiscali the cheapest at £15?

Any help would be good!


O2... £7 a month free wireless router!

Unsure if you need a bt line tho! What about a USB internet thingy?
  Clio DCi 65
USB thing i've got from Vodaphone is shite.

Most contracts are over 18 months so make sure you check before going with anyone. If you do make constant complaints to them so that when your tenancy agreement finishes you can call them and say your cancelling payments from now on and closing agreement as they're not sticking to their side of things.

Took Virgin down a treat, use to call them every week saying that it wasn't picking up signal, rent finished 6 months into contract so called them up, tried to make me pay £220 for disconnection, blagged the guy a treat!
  6/468 17poo
im on 02 mobile as i got an iphone so they might be worth calling!

I dont want a silly dongle as im sure itll be slow in the area and the area has mostly 'cable'


im on 02 mobile as i got an iphone so they might be worth calling!

I dont want a silly dongle as im sure itll be slow in the area and the area has mostly 'cable'

Sorted then! You'll get o2 wireless net for £7! Free wireless router, only thing you'll need to be is a wireless receiver and you can get them for a tenner!
  172 Monaco
Ok now I work at carphone warehouse so I do this every day, I can do a search for you if you if you e-mail me with your post code and home phone number to

Ur best bet would be AOL flexi, it's just Internet but it's only a 30day rolling contract so you can cancell it when ever you want. Now depending on who's in ur exchange depends on how much it is, the most expensive on that would be 9.99 for the first 3 months and then 19.98 there after.
You do need a BT line tho.

For o2 you still needs BT line and if you have an O2 contract it's 7.50.

Orange is better, as if you have an orange contract then your home broadband is free!!!

All this information and prices depends on where you live and who controls your Internet exchange

But for more info email me and I'll get back to you as I get my e-mail at work


  05 1.4 16v clio
I'm on tiscali at home dude, been with them years and have been great, had no issues at all.

I'm in the same boat as im moving into a flat next year and we can't decide what internet to go for!

Let me know which one you choose but i'd recommend tiscali.
