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circle to left of gearstick

  RB 182 cup,astra sri
hey, had my cup for a couple of months now, what is the circle to the left of the gearstick? looks like a socket for a small bulb or something? mines is just hollow and was wondering what the hell it is.

  2007 MK5 VW Golf TDi
Its the alarm LED holder - sounds like yours has fallen in to the dash... Should be able to remove the gear gaitor and push it back in place...
  2007 MK5 VW Golf TDi
Alerts people that you have an alarm fitted! It flashes when your alarm is armed. It also flashes at different speeds if your alarm has gone off to tell you what set the alarm off. There should be a manual which will tell you about this. If its hollow, then your LED has fallen through - you can remove the gear gaitor (it just pops out) and you should see a wire with the LED attached somewhere, just push it back in to the holder and refit your gear gaitor!
