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clean your car

  Bumder With A Buffer
Is it just me or is there site down?? I was looking around for stuff and it just went tits up!

"MySQL Error Occured
2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)"


ClioSport Club Member
Does appear to be down.... What you treating the Monaco to??
  Bumder With A Buffer
Good not just me then.

A bloody good clean mate!

Maybe a bit scared to use it... could just use tar remover. My rear wheel arches feel like f**king sandpaper :(
Wax - Im stuggling to figure out what wax to use.

Also looking at some wheel cleaner as mine are flithy. Plus I need some more microfibres and a few other bits. More money! :(


ClioSport Club Member
Good Boy.... Its an addictive game

I'm just waiting for some of my currnet stock to run out then I will be spending more dollars on some "proper" cleaning stuff.... I'm toying with getting a G220 aswell :)

Clay is pretty easy... I just use the Megs Quick Clay Kit and I use R222 Wax which is pretty easy to use and gives a pretty good result
  Bumder With A Buffer
I dont understand the benefits of a polisher. Is it that they work the polish in harder than you can by hand?

Contemplated getting a polisher but cant be arsed to spend the money on it!

Getting fed up with my car looking like s**t. Wants a good cleanand polish etc then going to get all the dents pulled out and my new wheels sprayed etc. Get it looking nice for once!


ClioSport Club Member
New Wheels Sprayed?? You not want them White??

PC's hill help to remove all the swirls and defects in your paintwork if used correctly and with the right products.... Learn to handle it right and you can then make some money back with it :)
  Bumder With A Buffer
After the track day might get the Monza's sprayed up white :)

Well as CYC aint working im looking on i4detailing instead! Snow foam is all I want so far! :( Dont have a vast list of towels and applicators on there unless um being blind plus I was after some Victoria Wax and that was on CYC.

Too much bloody choice!


Oh its back up :) let the spend commence :)


ClioSport Club Member
Just wait then Fella.... I'm sure it'll be up again soon.

I'm still new to the Detailing Game and am trying to learn as much as I can cos as you said there is just too much choice.
  Bumder With A Buffer
f**k sake now even i4Detailing is f**king me around!

Can't checkout keeps giving me

"A General Script Error Occurred
Error: ../httpdocs/acatalog/86Z132Z54Z241A1238014397B5500.session can not be locked during Session init!Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner"

And also the delivery address part is majorly screwed up. Maybe I should PM the guy he's on here iirc.
