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Code for std stereo/cd changer

I need it...

How quick do renault get the code for you and what info do they require to get it and does it cost much?

Is there any other ways to do it quickly? apart from taking it to a audio shop and getting them to reset it.

Anyone with any contacts?



ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
think reno can do it off the chassis number on the car.... IF its the stereo the car came with. Also might be worth taking the o.e one out, as i wrote my code on it!!!!
  Clio200 EDC Lux
Before they started to charge for it, I rang my local stealer gave them my reg and the gave me the code instantly.
I've been to renault today but the "SPECIAL TECHNICIANS" to do this are not in on Saturdays.

  M2 Competition
i was just gonna post this! i disconnected my battery to fit buckets, and now the stereo dont work!

Is the code not on anything that came with the car?

Thats a bit sh1t if its not. whats the point in that.
Nah,my old 172 had it stamped into the service book but my new v6 does not.

I've looked through all the handbooks and can't find it.
  M2 Competition
Was inside front page of mine, in teeny on some sort of stamp with loadsa other numbers on it.

Listen to the sweet engine for time being dude! hehe
